Return and Exchange Policy
You may return most new, unopened items sold within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. Shipping and handling charges cannot be refunded. We'll only pay such costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.). Items that are opened or returned more than 30 days after delivery will receive no refund. Personalized items are not returnable.
Any item that is not in its original condition, is damaged, or is missing parts for reasons not due to our error, up to 50% of item's price will be refunded. Our decision will be final to determine the condition of the product.
In most cases, we'll issue a refund in the same form of payment originally used for the purchase within 3 to 5 business days of our receiving your return. If you paid directly from your bank account, it may take up to 10 additional business days for the credit to be posted to your bank account. If you paid by check, it will take longer for you to receive the refund. If the return and refund do not appear in Your Account within four weeks from the day you sent us your return, please for further assistance.
If you return an order that was placed using a promotional certificate or discount, you will not be refunded for the amount of the promotional offer, as these discounts were deducted from the original purchase amount.
To exchange a product by mail, please contact us at and indicate the item you are returning and the new product(s) you want sent. Please be as specific as possible when describing the new item. For example, give the product name, code, color etc. Then enclose the invoice with your return. The item returned will be credited to the original payment method and the new item(s) will be charged to the same payment method. Shipping charges for the returned products is not refundable. Shipping will be charged for the new item(s) sent (unless it is our mistake and you received the wrong product). Items not in original condition will be charged up to 50% of the cost of the product. Our decision will be final to determine the condition of the product.